Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So the first two days of school have kicked my butt. Being in a different state this year makes me have to adjust my expectations. I am teaching the next grade up this year and some things they know way more than my kids last year but somethings that my kids knew by the end of last year they just seem rather lost.

I really like the new school. I am just pretty tired and the afternoon is way too long. After lunch we have three hours until dismissal. That is way too long of an afternoon especially when the kids are looking at me like they are going to die of boredom and tiredness.

I am a few kids that I am trying to pull out of their shells but havent figured it out yet. I have a little boy who is so shy he won't come out of his shell at all and I just want to try to get him to open up. He seems smart from the work I have seen him do so far I just wish he would interact with me and the other kids more. We shall see.

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