Monday, August 20, 2007

A Successful First Day

Today was my first day with students and it seemed to go really well. I did learn a lot about my students today the main thing that sticks out in my mind is their lack of writing skills. I gave a writing preassessment today to see where they are and they just don't have it at all. We will get there though. We are using a new writing program that I think I can really get on board with and like a lot.

Today was also VERY long. Dismissal took 2 HOURS. The way the school is set up cars and the buses come down the same way. Well this path is very narrow so the buses were having lots of trouble getting through so it definitely took a while. Hopefully we can resolve some of that for tomorrow.

I am exhausted. Getting back to work is some what of a shock to the body. I am sure it will get easier with each passing day!

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