Friday, February 9, 2007

Friday Night

Friday night and I am home. Shocking. I am used to being home on Friday nights. So I went to Barnes and Nobles and picked up three books. A James Patterson, a Mary Higgins Clark, and a book called Love @ First Site by Jane Moore. Thought the last one might be humorous and it was pink!!! When I don't know authors I tend to buy books based on colors. Strange but true. I often find that pink books are very girlie and I tend to like them.

In other lack of news, top chef still hasn't called. I can write that one off. My mom thinks I am too high matience. She was like well when did he call last. And I told her Wednesday. And she said its only ben two days and I expect too much. Maybe so but if I am going to spend time with someone I better be treated like a damn princess.

Off to my books and my Riesling.

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