Monday, June 9, 2008

Being Spotted

I always knew it would happen eventually. I was spotted by a WW member who was in my meeting last Monday. I am in the Yankee Candle store in the mall wanting to get a candle. Of course I ask the randomest questions so I ask if there is a candle that smells like a man. Or I guess I should say how a man should smell if he was wearing cologne. So I get my candle that smells like a man ... called Midsummers Night .... and I am checking out. The girl asks me how many meetings I do a week. I look around confused momentairly and then realize she is asking about WW. So we chat about that a little bit.

It makes me feel bad when I don't recognize my members in a place that is out of the normal context. I must have over 200 members so of course I can't remember them all and this particular member had only been in my meeting once so I guess I shouldn't feel that bad.

And it's always better to be spotted by a member than a student. Hearing my teacher name yelled across a room also freaks me out.

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