Monday, January 29, 2007

Cold Monday

So I live in sunny Florida right? Not suppose to be cold. Well today it didn't get about 57 degrees and tonight it is suppose to get in the 20s. WHAT THE HELL? I thought Florida was always sunny and great. It is messing with my sicknesses as well. I get a little better and then all of a sudden my head feels like it is going to explode because the pressure keeps changing. It sucks.

What else sucks about it being cold? Well my grade level is the only grade level that sits outside from 7:30 - 8 before we take them into the classroom. Well obviously I don't want my kids to freeze but then we have to take them in as soon as they get there. We are the only grade that has to do this because the rest of the grades are inside. Can't we figure out another place to put them??? It just kind of messes up my whole morning routine which leaves me feeling out of whack for a couple of hours until my planning and I can regroup.

Tomorrow I am going to try to get up early and go and workout. I am not feeling perfect but I feel that if I don't get in the gym it is going to break my great cycle that I had going. Since I have been sick I haven't worked out since Wednesday.

On the dating side of things, I have been talking to a guy that seems really cool and hopefully it will work out. I don't want to jinx it though!

1 comment:

chrisa511 said...

Yeah it's freezing here...makes me miserable, I know how you feel. So this new guy sounds better even though I know nothing about him. That's sad.