Sunday, January 7, 2007

I am a bad person

I am officially a bad person. So this guy likes me and I don't really think I like him yet I continue to hang out with him and such just because its someone to hang out with. How wrong is this???

Last night I realized how much of a light weight I am now when it comes to drinking. I can barely drink anything now and I just get loopy and emotional. Crazy times. So today I am just hanging out and being tired. I had to go to CVS twice this morning already because the dumb pharmicist misplaced one of my prescriptions. She was being such a bitch the first time I was there. I ws like can't you look for it harder. And she was like no all we can do is page the doctor. So then I come home and a hour later they call me and tell me they have the prescription and they are so sorry. I knew you had it idiots. That's why I told you to look. Dumb people.

1 comment:

chrisa511 said...

I don't think there's anything wrong. Maybe tell him eventually that you just want to be friends. You can hang out and be friends with someone without being "romantic" with them. You were just saying yesterday you need guy friends there. there you go!

Yeah, CVS sucks, I've had the people at the CVS here do the exact same thing to me before. psht.