Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sending someone off the deep end

So I think I have sent someone off the deep end. This guy I dated for a few weeks seems to have completely lost it. Last night after telling him during the day that it wasn't going to work out I must have recieved thirty text messages from him (I wasn't responding) during the Saints game. Then after I get home he keeps telling me how he is coming over to bring me flowers and diet coke and I literally had to beg him not to come. So today I havn't heard from him at all until I sign onto myspace and he has a bulletin talked about f everyone yadda yadda yadda. He is 34. F@*&ing get a life. Quite honestly grow the hell up. We have all been through shit in our lives and we are all getting along just fine without using myspace as a weapon. AHHHHHH!!!!! I finally meet someone and he has to be crazy. Figures!

1 comment:

chrisa511 said...

you'll eventually find a not-psycho. and i think it's really funny that your blog offers people the chance to send mail to F@*&ing. lol