Tuesday, January 30, 2007


So it's Tuesday and I haven't been to the gym since LAST wednesday. That's a long time for me. Hopefully my head will clear up (I can feel the pressure) so I can go in the morning but who knows.

Psycho is getting worse. Its just like I don't think we would even be good friends because we have nothing in common but he thinks we have EVERYTHING in common but he really has no idea who I am. I am getting sick of his shit but am kinda scared he is going to do something crazy because I was really bruttally honest today and laid everything on the line and told him I didn't think we should be friends (for the 7000 time) but who knows. Always the crazies.

On a less crazy note, hopefully, I have a date on Saturday with a guy who is 24 and a chef. He called today and seems really cool. Hopefully it will be fun! We shall see.

1 comment:

chrisa511 said...

you're way overdue for an update