Friday, January 26, 2007

Creepy or Sweet?

So the guy that I WAS (as it used to be) dating did something that I am not sure is sweet or creepy. Keep in mind he lives almost an hour away from me. So I have been sick yesterday and today. I still went to work so it couldn't have been that horrible but I have been hacking. My away message on AIM said "sick" He ims me and ask me how I am doing. I say fine whatever if my students would learn how to cover their mouths when they coughed I would be fine. So I am sitting at my computer working on professional development and I get a text message on my phone that says "hey i just left some stuff on your door step I hope you feel better" I open my door and there is diet coke, roses, two cans of chicken noodle soup, a bottle of riesling, airborne, a magazine, and a dvd. So is this weird? So I text him and told him he could have knocked but he just says hope you feel better. Is this sweet or creepy????? AHHHH!!!! I am just a tad freaked out.

1 comment:

chrisa511 said...

Sweet that he brought you all that stuff, but creepy that he's still bringing you things.