Sunday, May 27, 2007

Another Day in a Long Journey

Day three - I have been pretty good all day. On the phone constantly, I have had to charge my cell phone twice today (thank goodness for night and weekend minutes.) My sister is coming to stay with me next week for about four days so that will be good. I got to talk to my mom today for an extended period of time and it felt good and she does seem happy. I feel like I should be madder at her and just don't feel it. Talking to my dad is very taxing. He is so upset and angry and he says things that he shouldn't say to children (even at 25 I am still his kid) and it is hard. I held it together wonderfully today until about 10:40 tonight. After I talked to him, I just had a breakdown because it is so hard to talk to him. He talks about how my sister and him are on his side (which we are not, we are trying our damndest not to chose) and he ask me questions that i don't want to answer so I have to lie and say I have no idea and its hard. I am exhausted and can't sleep.

It's hard being 900 miles away while all of this is going on. I don't have a strong support system here (my friends are great but we all have our own things going on.)

I looked up therapist tonight because I think I need to go speak to someone. Just to vent it out to someone who knows nothing about the situation.

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