So being off of work makes the weekends pretty uneventful. Just kind of laying around. Went to a interview for weight watchers to be a receptionist at the meetings. It went pretty well and it is something that I would really like to do. I really believe in the program and it helped me so I guess the best thing would be to work for them.
Otherwise today I have just been reading a good book about Katrina called Breach of Faith by Jed Horne. Very interesting as well as very long. I have rediscovered the library as I often do during the summer. I don't have any extra funds to buy books so the next best thing is to go to the library.
I have been talking to my mom a lot and am looking forward to seeing her new house and meeting her boyfriend (I have met him before but don't really remember.) Soon enough ... probably early next year, he will become my step dad. Strange. Then I will have a step brother and sister. Also, strange.
I have decided ... probably, unless another hurricane hits New Orleans, that i will probably move back there after I have completed my master's program in three years. I just feel like if I have kids and stuff I want them to know my family. People always ask me if I have family here and then seem to find it strange that I live here without any family but I don't find it that abnormal. But to paraphrase Chris Rose, she is a New Orleans girl and even if they live away, they always come back.