Thursday, June 28, 2007

Guys and summer school

So I feel like I have been single for long enough. You know what I mean? I have lost 85lbs in the past year and a half and have been working on myself and have become a much better person and I feel like I actually deserve a cool person in my life. I am a little freaked out about meeting up with this guy at home when I go. I mean I don't know. I don't even know what we would chat about and uncomfortable silences are well uncomfortable. I guess I will need to see where my life is leading me when I arrive there.

Only 5 more days of teaching summer school. Thank goodness. Teaching summer school is more tiring then the normal school year. I feel like I lack a lot of support in summer school. Today my director told me that my "frequent bathroom breaks" were bad for my students. I go to the bathroom twice when I am not on break. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Really I understand that kids are the focus, but I am in fact a person too. 5 more days. That is my mantra.

1 comment:

chrisa511 said...

5 more days to go...5 more days to go...Almost done!

I think your date will be fine when you're in town. If it's not, oh well...when it's over, it's over and you'll be done with it. I'm thinking it will be good though ;)