Tuesday, July 3, 2007

How do you know ...

How do you know when it is appropriate for yourself to go to someone's funeral? How well do you have to know someone for yourself to go and for it not to offend people and for them to be like "why is she here?"

The funeral service for this guy I knew happens to be on Saturday when I fly in. I knew him not the well. We hung out a few times and I talked to him not many times in the past few years up until about a week ago. Should I go to his funeral? I know funerals are really more for the people that are the person's friends like to give them closer and stuff so should I go? I mean I don't want to offend people by them thinking that I didn't know him well enough to go. I am confused.

1 comment:

Teacha said...

i think you should go! tomorrow, I'm going to funeral for a co-worker. Just to offer my condolences, not necessarily b/c I knew the deceased. I think you should go.