Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Reading First and No Call, No Email

So I survived my first day at the four day professional development on Reading First that I am attending. Most of the other people there had to go bc their schools are reading first schools. Mine is not but I chose to go to hopefully pick up so new things and to earn the nice stipend. Today I learned that sitting in a chair for 8 hours is more exhausting then teaching children. I also learned that I had some of my terminology confused (not terminology I would use with the students but just things that would help me sound like I actually know what I am talking about sometimes.) I haven't seen anything as of yet that I am truly excited about implementing. Hopefully that will come in the next three days.

I am so exhausted though it is ridiculous. I woke up WAY before my alarm clock today so I was up at 5:11am. I haven't seen that time in a long time and shouldn't have this morning but my body just woke up. Oh well. Early to bed tonight.

On the guy side of things, I haven't recieved a call or an email from the guy with kids. He told me he was interested but from the lack of communication all I see in major disintrest. Life goes on. Since I do the internet dating thing (I realize how this sounds but I have trouble meeting people) I decided to make a goal for myself of emailing two new people a day and see if anything pans out. I will let you know how that goes!

1 comment:

chrisa511 said...

I wouldn't sweat over the guy with kids...you don't need step kids! Sorry I didn't answer today, busy with fixing the house. I'm off from my paid and unpaid job tomorrow so I can officially answer the phone! Yay!