Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Step Dad

So today I went to school and helped unpack lots of pallets of supplies (not the most fun in the world and my body is paying for it now.) Anyway ... the title of this post will make sense I swear. I was talking to the two other girls that were also unpacking and we were talking about why we were there and most of the reasons had to do with needing days off when school started. I talked about how I needed a Friday off in Septemeber because my mom and my step dad (makes sense now doesn't it) are coming to visit. So I have decided to people that don't know me and that I am just meeting I will from now on refer to my mom's boyfriend as my step dad. They will be married eventually anyway and it is just easier to say step dad than boyfriend (mom's boyfriend sounds really funny to me.) Oh well.

MY ARMS HURT. After a long day of picking up too many boxes, I decided to be glutton for punishment and go to the gym for my body pump class (it is a weight lifting class and if your gym offers it, I highly recommend it.) So now I am in even more pain and I can't tell how many calories I have eaten today because I went and had sushi so of course my weight went up because of the soy sauce but that is driving me a little nuts. I am too much of a control freak about my weight to just eat anything without knowing the caloric content.

Anyway ... I am going to go finish watching Shaq's Big Challange (I think that is the name.) Love it and next year I am going to make sure I stretch in my classroom and make sure my kids are super active so I do not encourage childhood obesity.


chrisa511 said...

I love that Shaq is a label. And I agree that step-dad works better than Mom's boyfriend. It'll help you get used to that term as well.

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