Monday, March 12, 2007

Crazy days

So today was easy because I didn't have students because it was a professional development day. I did though have a slight stress moment when I found out I was completely unprepared for something that is going on tomorrow at school. I just hate feeling like I don't know what i am doing and sometimes feel like that often. So I did have a small little cry in front of my principal which wasn't good but did take complete blame for not being prepared. It just is a little rough feeling so out of it sometimes.

On a positive note, I went to the gym and took a class called BodyPump again and my body hurts which I guess is a good thing.

Hopefully, this week will be easy and I won't be to stressed out. Only nine days until spring break!

1 comment:

chrisa511 said...

yeah, sorry. cranky here on mondays.