Thursday, March 15, 2007

Is it Friday yet?

Ahh ... today all day it felt like Friday which doesn't bode well when I have to get up tomorrow and go to work. Oh well. At least tomorrow really is Friday and I have a few days to relax and then one week and spring break. One of the good things about being a teacher is the great holidays.

Today went pretty well at work. Came home early watched tv and then went walking around my complex. I have been pretty motivated about working out. I figured out the key to motivation is to not be in a relationship, no kids, and have friends that are also busy and then you will always be able to focus on yourself. I love it. I hope I can keep this up. I want to be hard core strong and able to kick ass if need be lol.

Nothing big going on this weekend. Just hanging around the apartment focusing on me as always! I think I might do a hard core cleaning. Just depends on my motivation so we shall see.

1 comment:

-= DJ =- said...

"hardcore cleaning"... that just sounds dirty! LOL